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- artistic handicraft products on the highest level
- harmony of form, excellent composition of hues
- refined simplicity
- excellent aesthetic quality
- for Clients seeking exclusive gift wrappings
Why do we design gift wrappings ?
As it is usually the case, life itself suggested this subject. We always have two problems with gifts:
1) what to buy?
2) and when we already have a gift, how to wrap it to make it look original, to make the wrapping fit the gift?
And that is how the only gift wrappings available – dreadful colorful bags – made us begin inventing other wrappings. It is then that we conceived the idea that the problem is not only ours. Several first designs received a favourable welcome. At first among our friends and colleagues. It turned out that people liked what we were doing, that they wanted to buy it. What could we do but to decide to help wrap gifts in an exceptional manner on a regular basis?
Exclusive gift wrappings:
1] Classic ecological shopping bag.
2] Exclusive organdine sacks.
3] Stylish jute bags.