Wizytówka Twojej firmy
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Dodaj firmęAby sprzedawać hurtowo towary? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Chcesz sprzedać maszyny? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz inwestora? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz wspólnika? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Chcesz sprzedać nieruchomość komercyjną? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz dystrybutora? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Chcesz sprzedać firmę? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz kontaktów w biznesie? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl
Our company deals with professional financial and tax consulting for small and medium sized companies. We know that there is still shortage of such services on the market - services professionally comparative to those delivered by renowned international companies like Deloitte, Ernst & Young or PricewaterhouseCoopers but also competitively priced.
Our competitive advantage over many typical accounting offices or consulting company is professional in-deep knowledge on supporting business activity by accounting and financial system and practical knowledge of financial management issues gained during many years spent on positions of Chief Accountant and Financial Director.
We offer comprehensive package of financial management services including outsourcing of accounting and tax management, financial analysis of operating activity, value assessment of companies, financial assessment of investment projects and preparation of professional business plan (including for European Community funds financing).
- accounting services,
- tax management,
- income tax and VAT,
- tax optimization,
- financial analysis,
- value assessment of companies,
- investment efficiency analysis,
- business plan,
- cash flow analysis,
- cost of capital,
- income methods of valuation,
- investment projects,
- mergers & acquisitions,
- capital structure optimization,
- financial leverage,
- investment budget,
- financial statements and reports,
- accounting information system,
- business assistance