Wizytówka Twojej firmy
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TreesPlant was established in 2007. Located in the Choszczno, West Pomerania in Poland. located close to the border with Germany. As a company supportive of our natural world, we maintain environmentally sustainable practices. We continuously explore growing practices that improve the quality of our plants while minimizing our impacts. To maintain the highest quality premium liners are carefully planted and maintained. They are then nurtured by irrigation and fertilization. We assure that our plants consistently meet the high standards of quality that our customers have come to expect.
We offer seedlings for christams trees plant :
- Norway Spruce (picea abies)
- Blue Spruce ( picea pungens kaibab/ apache)
-Caucasian Fir (abies nordmanniana)
We offer best price and healthy seedlings
Please contact us.