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The development in the game - those are words that best illustrate GrowinGame activities. The company uses psychological knowledge and experience from various business organizations, and non-profit, to design involving, and sometimes surprising methods. Most of them are training games, simulations and interactive techniques.
GrowinGame designs these methods, uses it in own training and advises others how they can be used for the benefit of their educational activities - training, workshops, lectures, development meetings of managers with subordinates.
GrowinGame methods may be used for: training needs survey, training (including integration), workshops, Development Center, the academic activities, social projects and the development of other, not necessarily conventional forms. This activity would not be able to function smoothly without the support of research. Therefore, the company conducts research on educational games, simulation and interactive techniques. It can also carry out research using their own methods and online tools for the organization.
- Training Games
- Simulations
- Interactive Techniques
- Training
- Workshops