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Courses and training INITIUM Sp. z oo was established a long cooperation with trainers with specialist knowledge and many years of business experience and teaching.
Our mission is to improve and develop employees in accordance with the increasing requirements of todays labor market.
By letting the team INITIUM group training for employees, you get:
- Guarantee of gaining practical knowledge of the issues to assist in the development of the company, by adapting the workshops to the specific workplace and the level of knowledge of participants
- Increase efficiency,
- Receipt of the report poszkoleniowego which may prove useful in determining the training strategy of the company,
- Additional options for measuring the effectiveness of teaching,
- The possibility of any modification of the training program,
- Conduct training in the workplace, reducing the total cost of workers access to the place of training.
One of the main branches of our business are specialized language training and translation of the scriptures.
Accordingly, we specialize in creating training, conducting seminars in three thematic areas
- Labor law,
- Accounting and Finance,
- Management.
In the era of continuous development, we are expanding the training offer.