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LCL is an offset printing company operating on the printing market since 1988. We are the largest printing house in the region and one of the largest in Poland.
We offer a wide range of services including prepress, press and post press.
We specialise in printing books , magazines, periodicals, catalogues, calendars and advertising materials (leaflets, posters, POS, brochures, etc)
Our main target is to deliver the highest quality services in printing .
We reach the high quality through :
-total commitment of our employees in fulfilling clients’ demands
-introduction and maintenance of ISO 9001:2001 Quality System providing the right work organization that satisfies our clients and employees; constant improvement of the efficiency of our services
-introduction of the latest innovations in printing technology
We use our entire knowledge, experience and energy to meet the highest standards and clients requests.
We want our clients to be proud of the products we provide.
LCL mission
The essence of our activity is giving beauty in the printed form.
LCL values
Quality – we constantly improve the quality of our services due to introduction of innovative solutions in technology and organisation
Flexibility – we are flexible to customers’ needs and we satisfy the highest requirements
Reliability – we meet our commitments
We print multi colour magazines, brochures, leflets, posters, POS materials (wobblers, stands, hangers etc.)
We provide a wide range of finishing services, including sticking CDs, DVDs or any promotional materials to products we print.
Advanced screening technology AGFA :SUBLIMA
platesetters AGFA Galileo VS, AGFA Galileo VE
Proofs AGFAJET Sherpa 43i, Sherpa 44m
Sheet-fed offset presses
KBA Rapida 105-8 B1 8 colours
MAN ROLAND 708 B1 8 colours
MAN ROLAND 705 B1 5 colours
MAN ROLAND 704 B1 4 colours
Heidelberg Speedmaster 102 B1 2 colours
Heidelberg Printmaster 52 B3 4 colours
ADAST Dominant A2 2 colours
Finishing machines
Folding machines Stahl , Heidelberg Stahlfolder, Herzog-Heymann
Folding machines MBO + thread-sealing module
Perfect Adhesive Binding line Wohlenberg Golf,
Stitching line Müller Martini Bravo Plus
Stitching line Brehmer ,
Cutting machines Wohlenberg , Polar