Wizytówka Twojej firmy
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Dodaj firmęSzukasz dystrybutora? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz wspólnika? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Chcesz sprzedać nieruchomość komercyjną? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz inwestora? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Aby sprzedawać hurtowo towary? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Chcesz sprzedać maszyny? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Szukasz kontaktów w biznesie? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl Chcesz sprzedać firmę? Wejdź na BiznesOferty.pl
MONREX work deals with development and implementing action and perform small lot production, including advanced technical solutions in the field of mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, hydraulics and pneumatics special purpose as well as for the national economy.
The company offers a comprehensive execution and cooperation in carrying out analytical studies and conceptual work and development and implementation in the field:
- special containers intended for development of specialized equipment: command and communication post, servicing and repair workshops; specialized laboratories, relay stations and radar stations, social and other utility services;
- specialized equipment and building modular containers;
- autonomous systems of special handling containers;
- generators with outputs ranging from 2 to 100 kW;
- automated control systems and diagnostics of technical objects, including tanks, BMP (APCs), trucks, tractors, machinery and mining business, railway cars and production lines;
- comprehensive upgrading and modernization overhaul and modernization of systems and assemblies of combat vehicles.