Wizytówka Twojej firmy
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SIPUR was established on 22 April 2009
The main and common idea was to strengthen position of PU products and business in Poland
Four main areas of SIPUR activities:
- Promotion and education - construction fairs, articles, presentations, conferences, web page, brochures, factsheets, leaflets, advertisements, competitions, others
- Legislation - participation in works (if possible) / consultations / opinions regarding brand new polish building regulations at the earliest possible stage and changes proposed within existing ones
- Standards - participation in works (if possible) regarding new CEN (EN / EN-PN), ISO, PN standards and changes proposed within existing ones
- Insurance issues - insurance rates, formal and practical requirements regarding buildings designed and insulated with PUR and PIR products
There are three basic Product Groups within SIPIUR (so called PG):
Technical Insulation
Foam Spray
Insulation Panels with Flexible (no metal) or naked i.e. without Facings
Some SIPUR members supply raw material, components and PU systems