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ALADAN PRODUCER OF CLOTHING FOR LADIES AND YOUNG WOMEN. We would like to introduce our company producing female clothes, which has 15 years of experience and has developed from small firm into a middle-sized company. We are specialised at female sporty and classic style clothes such as: jackets, blouses, waistcoat, skirts.
We use hihg quality textilies, meeting the demands of the latest trends in fashion, which characterise elegance and comfort.
Our company employs around 45 people. We possess our own design studio, a cutting-out room and also we supply our products directly to customers. Monthly production of about 5000 pieces is generally exported to Germany, but our maximum production is almost 10000 pieces of clothes. We are interested also sales our productions on your marketplace.
We are interested in establishing co-operation as regards subcontracting. We plan to elange employment in Aladan company, so we would like to gain new customers for our products.
For furter information about ALADAN company please check our webside: www.aladan.pl /info in: German and English/ or send a e-mail.
We are specialised at female sporty and classic style clothes such as: jackets, blouses, waistcoat, skirts.