Wizytówka Twojej firmy
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We offer new and used forklifts, spare parts for all makes of forklifts, industrial tires, tires and forklifts service, preparing forklifts for the reception by the Office of Technical Inspection.
In stock we have a large part of the assortment and in most cases we are able to execute the order within 24 hours. Services are located in Warsaw and Poznan. At your disposal are skilled workers who are willing to answer questions about the our offer.
- Toyota, Hyster, Mitsubishi, Daewoo Forklifts
- Pneumatic tires for forklifts
- Superelastic tires for forklifts
- Spare parts for all forklifts
- Forks for forklifts
- Forklift Service
- Periodical technical inspections
- Forklifts repairs
- Preparation for Office of Technical Inspection