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TCM Service Sp. z o.o. offers to its Customers a wide range of products related to packaging and to many industrial solutions deriving from a well-known American Company 3M.
Self-adhesive tape with an overprint is the basic offer. Since 1993 our company has been producing tapes with an overprint constantly modernizing the equipment.
Regular quality improvement of offered products is achieved by a continuous cooperation with 3M specialists.
Besides a vast choice of self- adhesive packaging tapes our company offers also 3M Matic machines for sticking cardboard cases.
Aiming towards the best satisfaction of our Customers we have enriched our offer by SATO thermotransfer and thermal printers, in year 2000.
Thanks to a constant enlargment of our offer we are eager to meet the needs of our recipients in the most competent and complex manner.
In our offer you will find also a wide range of 3M products for almost each industrial branch as well as for home applications. Besides specific tapes, glues or abrasives there are also cleaning mats, office products and commonly used masking tapes.
TCM Service was granted with ISO 9001:2000 Certificate , in June 2000 by TUV Rheinland Euroqua Kft., with its seat in Brussels.
The company offers complex solutions within packaging, labelling and identification of the products. The commercial offer is destined to many fields and includes packing tapes Scotch™, tapes with over-print, tapes reinforced with glass fibres and self – adhesives and overprinted labels. As an authorized distributor of 3M Poland , TCM sales and offers guarantees for 3M-Matic™ machines for closing carboard cases. Following 3M products are offered: tapes and industrial glues, abrasive materials, anti-slip tapes, entrance mat systems, decorative and reflective foils, windows foils. Technical consulting, installation and service for industrial SATO printers and barcode readers, scanners, collectors are TCM’s next filar.
TCM holds the Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2000