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„Lenora” is a company of more than a century long traditions.
The origins of its operations date back to 1878, when at Długa (today’s Gdańska) Street a mechanized manufacture of ribbons, tapes and laces was constructed.
Presently, the Dry Goods Industry Plant “Lenora” Ltd. with headquarters in Łódź on 42 Srebrzyńska Sreet is an advanced production plant of a diverse stock of machinery, which makes possible adjustment of production to current needs of the market and indivdual orders.
“Lenora” is a manufacturer of woven, plaited and knitted dry goods: Jacquard, trimming, elastic, rim, decorative, petersham, bookbinding, trousering labels and tapes, strings and shoelaces, regular and memorial candle wicks, ribbons for flowers, surgical threads, knitted nets for protection of fruit trees against birds, nets – linings for tracksuits.
Besides our principal operations we also provide services in the field of dyeing and bleaching of yarns and ribbons.
You are invited to cooperation.